Create life with sound

create sound with life

Bring it alive with sound

How can we activate places, areas or urban spaces and increase the communication about the world we live in? We are passionate about creating these experiences that both inspire, convey and provide substance for reflection.

“StoryTeller allowed us to appeal to other users – make people curious – and share information about the outdoor sights along the Iron Coast and tell its stories in a different way using sound”

– Mette Lund Andersen, head of Lemvig Museum.

interactiv communication

Self-sustaining interactive sound

Turn the wheel – create energy and sound and let your imagination and emotions. Storyteller brings stories to life with sound – a sustainable and interactive landmark that tells you stories and shares information.

No need for external electricity or batteries – the user creates the power.

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Listen more – experience more

Through sustainable, innovative solutions, we want to support the leading mission of intermediary institutions and create different and inspiring experiences in urban spaces, at experience centers, in nature areas or in museums. That’s why StoryTeller brings stories to life through audio. The interactive design activates both visitors and the surroundings, allowing sound to fuse with physical spaces.

If you would like to receive our physical brochure, please call +45 63 43 31 61 or order it here.